Pixels to Feature Classic Arcade Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.07.2014

Pixels to Feature Classic Arcade Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Classic video game characters are once again taking to the big screen in Sony Picture's upcoming film, Pixels.

Featuring franchises like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Frogger and Asteroids, Pixels features aliens who misinterpret video feeds of retro arcade games as a declaration of war. The President (Kevin James) calls on childhood friend, '80s video game champion Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler) to lead arcade fans to defeat the inter-galactic foes and save the planet.

Pixels will feature:

  • Atari (Asteroids, Breakout, Centipede and Missile Command)
  • Konami (Frogger)
  • Bandai Namco (PAC-MAN, Galaga, and Dig Dug)
  • Nintendo (Donkey Kong)
  • Columbia (Q*bert)
  • Taito (Space Invaders)
  • Warner Bros. (Joust, Defender, Robotron and Wizard of Wor)
What are your thoughts on Pixels?

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