Super Smash Bros. Character Customisation Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.07.2014 1

Super Smash Bros. Character Customisation Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has updated the official Super Smash Bros. website with details on character customisation.

Most of the detail was revealed during this year's E3, but Nintendo have outlined just how much characters, both Mii and the standard roster, can be modified in friend matches.

Mii characters and Palutena use complete unique attacks, but others have four special attacks, with three variations for each direction - for example Mario can use his regular Fireball, Fast Fireball and Fire Orb.

Image for Super Smash Bros. Character Customisation Details

Nintendo also revealed how players can equip items for each character, for example "Max-Power Gloves", "High-Speed Dash Shoes" and "Split-Second Overalls" that affect three different attributes: Attack, Defense and Speed. These come with balancing, however, so tougher characters compensate with slower movement.

Mii characters, as previously revealed, will have three types: brawlers, sword-fighters and gunners, with 12 types of special attacks. Characters can also have special skins, with customisable hats and clothing. Want to don a suave top-hat? It'll be possible in the new Super Smash Bros. games.

Image for Super Smash Bros. Character Customisation Details

What are your thoughts on the customisation features in the game?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Wow what a great idea. Miis in smash is genious idea. Plus the customization option is one i did not expect. Im a big fan of Street fighter Mabey i can finally put ryu in the game   "HADDDOOOKEEEN"

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