"Weapon Master" mode
In the first incarnation of the game, Soul Blade for the Playstation 1, the acclaimed "Edge Master" mode allowed players to compete in a series of challenges in different locations to obtain new weaponry to use in the other modes of play. Surprisingly enough, this addition was enjoyable and a worthy addition, and thankfully, an upgraded version, titled "Weapon Master" appears in all home versions.
A few in-game visuals:

From these rather small shots, it's clear that similar mechanics appear in this version leading from the previous - turn based missions, which lead toward the 'ultimate' weapon.
Fortunately, this should be no walkover, for, if better than the PS1 version, the challenges set will allow for extra replay value and this backed up by the 200+ weapons to collect.
In-Game visuals

From these images, we can welcome the return of exisiting characters, finally to be confirmed - Rock and Voldo, who originally appeared in Soul Blade, as well as Yoshimitsu, of the Tekken and Soul Calibur fame.
It looks set to be the strongest title of the series, complete with the additional exclusive characters for each home version, and with Link appearing in the Gamecube version, the anticipation rating of this title is very high indeed.
[ Source: The Magicbox ]