Mario Kart Arcade GP DX Gets Co-Operative Tanks

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.07.2014 2

Mario Kart Arcade GP DX Gets Co-Operative Tanks on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The next entry in the Mario Kart arcade series will have new features, including a co-operative feature.

In the new two player mode, two racers can merge together in "Fusion Karts"; which ends up looking like a meaty tank. Together rivals can be blown up with traditional Mario Kart green shells. The game also includes new faces like Don-chan from the Taiko: Drum Master series, plus glider and underwater sections.


What do you think of the new co-operative feature in Mario Kart: Arcade GP DX?

Box art for Mario Kart Arcade GP DX

Namco Bandai







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Pretty cool.

I've only gotten to play the arcade version once, but it was a lot of fun.

Looks very cool. I hope they can release this as an e-shop game as well in the future! ^_^

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