New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.07.2014 4

New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New challengers have emerged for the next Super Smash Bros. games from the Fire Emblem series.

The official website streamed the event this afternoon, confirming the appearance of a number of faces from the Fire Emblem series.

In addition to Marth and Ike, players will also be able to play as Lucina, Robin and a new female Robin skin. Chrom also appeared in the footage, but whether he'll be an assist, Final Smash or main character is unknown as he has not been included on the website's updated roster.

Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.

Also within the sequence was the appearance of the much requested returning chap Captain Falcon for the first time, confirming his re-appearance in the new games. Falcon, punch!

Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.
Image for New Fire Emblem Characters for Smash Bros.

What do you think of the new additions to the game?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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This reveal shattered my expectations in the most positive way possible. I was so tired of the Gematsu leak characters being accurate and people continually citing that. Now the leak was proven wrong because Chrom isn't playable and it didn't mention Lucina or Robin. Excellent stuff! Smilie

Sakurai is such a troll. I love it in the way he teases us with the Rayman trophy announcement hours before the reveal and then swerves in a curve  ball. I've yet to start Awakening so these characters mean nothing to me. 

Still hoping for a few more characters from a few more diverse series. 

I thought nintendo dropping the price on Earthbound on the VC could have been  a clue for Ness...then we get Cpt Falcon...with no Fzero announcement Smilie

Lol who the fuck is Alexi messeramo and how were they logged in on my device...either way that was my post...JB???

SHOW ME YA MOVES!! Nice additions, still holding out hope for Bayonetta though I suspect they'll announce her as late as possible lol.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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