Sakurai on Inclusion of Mii Characters in Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.06.2014 5

Sakurai on Inclusion of Mii Characters in Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the latest issue of Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai talked about the inclusion of Mii characters in the games.

Announced back at E3 last week, the Wii U and 3DS versions of the popular Nintendo fighter will include support to add Mii characters. It's not the first time Nintendo had considered adding these personal avatars, as Sakurai noted how there were plans to add Mii characters to Super Smash Bros. Brawl. However, the idea fizzled out due to concerns that there may be bullying and that Mii characters at the time didn't quite fit the fighting mould.

However, with the rise in popularity of these Mii over the years, the team revisited the idea for the new games. Sakurai also hopes the support for Mii will allow players to create characters that they wish could have been officially included, but couldn't due to copyright/development costs.

Characters won't be usable in public online matches as "we don't want the online play to become a copyright free-for-all and it's probably not as fun to play against someone using a character based on someone you may not know," he said.

Image for Sakurai on Inclusion of Mii Characters in Smash Bros.

Sakurai feels that "it's a revolutionary thing" to be able to fight the likes of Mario, Link and Kirby with self-made characters. "Depending on who you are, this new Smash Bros. may hold quite a different meaning compared with previous iterations of Smash Bros."

What Mii characters will you create in the new Super Smash Bros. games?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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The biggest reasons I didn't want Miis was online Hitlers. And they fixed that by not allowing Miis to play in non-friends matches!

Edit: and I thought they would be boring. They also fixed that, even made 3 fighters. Smilie

( Edited 19.06.2014 23:27 by Canyarion )

Do you think they'll have a "standard Mii" you can use online?

Darkflame (guest) 20.06.2014#3

hu? Who doesn't want to punch Hitler Smilie 

Anyway, its understandable for copyright reasons. Nintendo can be too cautious in places, but in this case they have good reason. 

Very good to hear. With the copy right issues on certain people being made, inappropriate looking miis and the fact that I'd probably being seeing miis constantly would be very annoying.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

The lack of online play really disappoints me. I'd love to be able to see what unique and cool miis other people have made. But I understand the hitler argument.

I really hope they let you mix and match the moveset between the swordsman/blaster/brawler presets. Like if I wanted a swordsman's up b, but a blaster's down b.

( Edited 21.06.2014 16:20 by origonalname112 )

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