E3 2014 | New Star Fox for Wii U Lead by Shigeru Miyamoto

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2014 3

E3 2014 | New Star Fox for Wii U Lead by Shigeru Miyamoto on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have officially confirmed that a new Star Fox title is in development for Wii U, lead by Miyamoto.

Star Fox (working title) is in development for Nintendo's home console, turning the Wii U GamePad into the inside view of the cockpit of protagonist Fox McCloud's Arwing fighter. The TV will show the classic perspective from behind the craft, with gyro controls for targeting enemies.

New to the Wii U game will be the option to shift between land and ground, with the Arwing now able to transform into a Landmaster tank at the press of a button. Also new to the project will be a helicopter-type vehicle.

The game is scheduled for release next year, with more details expected during E3 this week.

What do you think of the new Star Fox game for Wi U?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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Can't wait for the reveal during "Live from the Nintendo Treehouse" at 3:40pm EST!

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We'll also get to see Miyamoto's other two Wii U games:

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( Edited 10.06.2014 18:19 by Sonic_13 )

It would be cool if there were aspects of Star Fox Assault on this game as well, since the land based mechanics were implemented pretty neatly for a game series such as this. Its going to be interesting to see if its a sequel, or where it fits into continuity with the others. Can't wait to see and hear more info

( Edited 10.06.2014 23:14 by Super Yoshi )

Darkflame (guest) 10.06.2014#3

"New to the Wii U game will be the option to shift between land and ground, with the Arwing now able to transform into a Landmaster"

Like on the unreleased SNES sequal Smilie

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