E3 2014 Media | Chromophore: Two Brothers Debut Wii U eShop Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2014

E3 2014 Media | Chromophore: Two Brothers Debut Wii U eShop Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Crowdfunded indie project, Two Brothers, is getting an eShop Director's Cut re-release. Watch the debut Wii U trailer!

Originally penned for PC, Xbox 360 and Mac, the game is an adventure RPG designed to look like the Game Boy classics in visuals, but without the limitations of the 8-bit hardware.

Players take on the role of a young inventor who simply obsesses with the idea of discovering a new colour on Earth after a near-death experience shows him a vivid, painted afterlife. Bivare, his brother, becomes interested and the pair begin their quest. The original release was funded back in 2012, and is now getting a director's cut on the eShop called Chromophore: The Two Brothers Directors' Cut.

The studio posted the debut footage of the Wii U edition on Kickstarter, with more details expected later on in the week.


Have you played Two Brothers yet? What are your thoughts on the concept?

Box art for Chromophore: The Two Brothers Directors' Cut








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European release date 2014   North America release date 2014   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date 2014   

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