Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2014

Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Little Orbit has announced a new game conversion of the TNT sci-fi series Falling Skies for consoles including Wii U.

Known as Falling Skies: The Game, players are thrown into a world were aliens have invaded, and it's down to a small team of survivors to attempt to save the human race and the planet.

Image for Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U
Image for Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U

The game itself will revolve around a strategy-based setup with story and action-driven elements, upgradable skills and multiple objectives. To keep things fresh, Falling Skies will also feature dynamic enemy AI and randomised maps.

Image for Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U
Image for Falling Skies: The Game Landing on Wii U

Are you a fan of the Falling Skies series?

Box art for Falling Skies: The Game

Little Orbit


Little Orbit





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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