A Look at the Super Smash Bros. Assist Trophy Capsule

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2014

A Look at the Super Smash Bros. Assist Trophy Capsule on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's update on the Super Smash Bros. website has a sneak peak at what the Assist Trophy capsules look like.

Like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the upcoming installments on 3DS and Wii U will contain a range of characters that act as helpers, summoned by being the first player to grab and launch a capsule. Most Assist Trophies start to attack others on the stage, with some providing tricky obstacles for all fighters.

"It may emit rainbow-colored lights, or even blink. Even if there's something like a Color TV-Game 15 inside..." said director Masahiro Sakurai in a post on Miiverse.

Image for A Look at the Super Smash Bros. Assist Trophy Capsule

What Assist Trophies would you like to see in the new games?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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