Popup Dungeon Heading to Wii U, Meets Stretch Goal

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2014 1

Popup Dungeon Heading to Wii U, Meets Stretch Goal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Popup Dungeon, a tabletop indie RPG, was successfully crowd-funded last week with a version in store for Nintendo Wii U.

The game is pitched as a "roguelike papercraft RPG", where players are able to create their own weapons, abilities, and heroes in a hybrid of both board and video games. Players can nip into the action with preset attributes, or create the entire experience from scratch.

With just minutes to go before the campaign came to a close, the project received enough funding ($100,000) to see a Wii U version become a reality.


What are your thoughts on the Popup Dungeon look and concept?

Box art for Popup Dungeon

Triple B


Triple B


Turn Based RPG



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Stan (guest) 22.05.2014#1

Fresh and Brilliant.................cant wait!

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