Mario Kart 8 Japanese TV Adverts Focus on Multiplayer

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2014

Mario Kart 8 Japanese TV Adverts Focus on Multiplayer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Over in Japan, Nintendo have put together a handful of new TV adverts to promote multiplayer in Mario Kart 8.

If there's any Nintendo series that's a prime candidate to be played with friends and family, it has to be Mario Kart. From those heated living-sessions to competitions on a global scale, Mario Kart 8 hopes to maintain its lead from the rest of pack.

In the campaign, the action focuses on the multiplayer element, featuring exploding blue-shells, boomerangs and a bomb or two.

Be sure to read our Mario Kart 8 review.


What do you think of these Mario Kart 8 adverts?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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