Photos with Mario Now Available on US eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2014 1

Photos with Mario Now Available on US eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has released 3DS eShop app Photos with Mario on the North American eShop this week.

Photos with Mario is a small piece of software that allows 3DS owners to use a set of AR cards to take augmented reality snaps of various characters like Mario, Princess Peach, Luigi and Bowser. Players can put on a self-timer to take amusing photos of, for example, Mario sitting on a cat or Princess Peach eating a sausage.

The cards can be downloaded unofficially, but would mainly be from specially designed eShop vouchers from local stores.


What photos would you created with the Mushroom Kingdom AR cards?

Box art for Photos with Mario








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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i love the idea but would of much rather a booster pack than having to buy one of each at a time, in yen it costs 12000yen (about £70) to get each card but in UK it would add up to £180, you'd need to buy 2 £15, 2 £25 and 2 £50. The concept in pounds is just ridiculous unless they sold 2 cards for each voucher. The numbers look similar in dollars but really its about £120 in comparison to the £180 we would be suffering.

Also i think its kind of a missed opportunity to not just make the plastic credit card like topup vouchers have the AR image printed on them rather than having an extra piece of card.

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