Nintendo UK on Hopes for Mario Kart 8 Performance

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.05.2014 1

Nintendo UK on Hopes for Mario Kart 8 Performance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo UK's man in charge of Mario, Roger Langford, spoke on the company's anticipation for Mario Kart 8.

Talking about the promotional campaign for the game, the plans are to highlight the changes in the new Wii U release "via our online and social media campaign, and get that word-of-mouth and buzz up to launch." There's a belief that Mario Kart 8 would be the "catalyst that will broaden Wii U's horizons", with promotion planned at launch and throughout the year.

Nintendo are also offering a free game with the purchase of Mario Kart 8, with a range of different free titles available as the franchise does "attract such a broad demographic."

Be sure to read our Mario Kart 8 review.

Do you think the title has the ability to save the Wii U?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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....perhaps not when the advertising beings on launch day itself, but with constant ads till the end of the year, it should have a pretty solid performance till Christmas at least.

Social is good, but really the main people being targetted surely are people who would buy it regardless?

It just baffles me that all other regions have started their MK8 campaigns.

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