Home console Pokémon isn't a system seller (Pokémon Colosseum and XD), and even if it was, Nintendo don't want market interest in the handheld titles to dwindle because of a home console game overshadowing them. The "great big" home console Pokémon game people want will never happen because it would by definition have to be better than anything the handheld games could put out to be what people want, and Nintendo don't fancy putting people off future handheld titles while also putting so much money into something that has never proved to be a system seller for home consoles before.
Jacob4000 said:
I just worry he's still looking for answers in the past when the gaming landscape has shifted so drastically.
Cheesing it up said:
Whilst this is potentially true, I don't see such a game on the horizon.
Mario Kart and Smash Brah are system sellers for sure, but they're not going to turn the console around.
The Wii U launched with a Mario game, has since had a critically acclaimed 3D Mario game and even has Zelda (albeit a remake).I don't know where they're going to find this kill app from.
I agree with Cheese, it's potentially true but I don't think it's going to happen. Most instances of it happening in the past have come from Nintendo, but they've been largely a mix of fluke and supreme market intuition that they just haven't been showing lately.
The gaming landscape hasn't even changed that much from the core essence of what people want. Peoples tastes fluctuate, and that's exactly what Nintendo's getting wrong by relying so heavily on 2D Mario when people seemed to want that last gen. They didn't want 2D Mario, they wanted Wii Sports, and Brain Training, and Nintendogs, because they were all new and fascinating and interesting and they defined entire genres and systems and new technologies. They stayed along for the 2D Mario ride because that's as entry-level as it gets.
Iwata is right in that, no matter how the "gaming landscape" changes, be it for better or worse, the masses just want something that everyone can be interested in, something they can talk about with their acquaintances and get an equally fascinated response about. Mario did it for the NES, Tetris did it for the GB, and then again with Pokémon, multiple games did it for the Wii and DS. It's the same reason mobile gaming is booming today on the backs of the successes of a few major "small" games like Angry Birds. If there's any company I trust to "accidentally discover" that kind of widespread pull again in the future, it's Nintendo, but I don't trust it to happen multiple times in the same decade because I don't think anyone can be that intuitive (and because the kind of amazing success that the PS2, DS and Wii had ultimately seems to lead to dangerous levels of complacency in oneself)
HOWEVER.. this thought process is definitely a good one for Nintendo to have because it shows that Iwata is going to be actively pursuing something new and fresh and fascinating for the forseeable future. Eventually people stopped thinking Wii Sports was hype as fuck, but originally we all had tons of fun with it. This kind of thinking is not going to encourage them using the same franchises over and over, they've already done that with the Wii U. We already have 2D Mario 3D Mario a Party game Wii Fit and Mario Kart and they haven't saved it, they're going to be forced to start spilling out crazy game ideas. It means we're going to start seeing actual new ideas sooner rather than later, and they may not be the traditional kinds of games a lot of people want but they might be fascinating eventually.
( Edited 14.05.2014 13:52 by SuperLink )