First Look at Nintendo's NFC Plans - The Nintendo Figure Platform

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.05.2014 6

First Look at Nintendo

During a briefing to investors, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed plans to release character NFC figures.

The NFP (Nintendo Figure Platform), as Nintendo are calling it, is intended to be more of a "platform" than  a simple accessory, as these would be designed to support multiple software titles for Nintendo systems.

Image for First Look at Nintendo

Nintendo has a lot of well-known character IP that has originated in video games, and we have been regularly releasing titles from game franchises that make use of this character IP. This is why I believe a brand-new type of platform will be born when the character IP becomes compatible with NFP.

The NFP would include both write and read functions, to enable data to be stored and edited depending on the application. "You will be able to customize your NFP to raise or train your own Nintendo characters, for example," Iwata said.

During E3, Nintendo will announce which titles will be compatible with the new system.

Image for First Look at Nintendo

Nintendo also announced support for 3DS, which will get its own NFC reader/writer within the first half of 2015 for an increased range of NFC-driven titles.

What are your thoughts on Nintendo's plans for NFC - what franchises should Nintendo cover?

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Neat. As long as they don't go nuts with it and just release a few at a time. I have all the pokemon rumble ones and even that was sorta too much at once coining in over £100 per person to collect them all. But then in Japan they were split over 3 series over time which is what I'm asking for over here

( Edited 08.05.2014 09:56 by welshwuff )

This sounds really cool, especially being able to read and write to customise them. Just hope the supporting titles look interesting! An epic adventure cross-over game could use something like this really well.

"You will be able to customize your NFP to raise or train your own Nintendo characters, for example"

Any chance this has to do with Smash Bros?

I think it's a cool idea, I like that I get a cool little statue, as well as something I can use in the game. My only problem is, my room is a complete mess, so I'd need to clear out a lot of stuff before I get it. x)

Selling figures of eshop characters that have the game they represent pre-installed would be an awesome way to sell digital titles.

Wonder Red figure please!

Phoenom said:
Selling figures of eshop characters that have the game they represent pre-installed would be an awesome way to sell digital titles.

Wonder Red figure please!

I like the way you think!

Marzy said:
"You will be able to customize your NFP to raise or train your own Nintendo characters, for example"

Any chance this has to do with Smash Bros?

Considering you can do custom moves in the new Smash Bros. (and presumably custom controller configurations again), this would be a pretty neat way of being able to bring your customization's to a friend's house (similar to how you could store your custom controller configurations on Wii Remotes in the last Smash Bros.)

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