Nintendo Respond to Gay Marriage and Miiquality in Tomodachi Life

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2014 8

Nintendo Respond to Gay Marriage and Miiquality in Tomodachi Life on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have issued a statement in response to a fan petition on including gay marriage in Tomodachi Life.

As a life simulator, there are players who would naturally want to have characters of the same gender to pair up, have a relationship and inevitably marry. However, aside from a glitch uncovered by players in Japan, the upcoming game officially doesn't allow for same-sex partnerships.

In a response to the Associated Press, Nintendo stated that the company "never intended to make any form of social commentary", with the options available in the 3DS game representing a "playful alternate world rather than a real-life simulation". The intention, from the developers, was to create a "whimsical and quirky game, and that we were absolutely not trying to provide social commentary."

Image for Nintendo Respond to Gay Marriage and Miiquality in Tomodachi Life

Given the lack of gay marriages in the original Japanese edition, the same code "was used to localize it for other regions outside of Japan", Nintendo said.

However, Nintendo will use "this as an opportunity to better understand our consumers and their expectations of us" and are promising to "broaden our approach to development whenever possible."

The fan campaign, known as #Miiquality, has a Facebook Page to try to rally support with a dedicated hashtag and video to try and urge Nintendo to change its stance:


Should Nintendo have embraced equal relationships in Tomodachi Life?

Box art for Tomodachi Life








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There's no good choice to make here.
- Don't allow gay marriage in your game and you'll get hundreds of complaints from progressive gamers.
- Allow gay marriage in your game and you'll get thousands of complaints from conservative ones.

I cant say i appreciate their replies at all. Im a gay gamer myself who was interested in this game until i found out i cant play it the way i intended to. Boycott is a strong word but i will be skipping the game as it just lost its appeal to me. If it gets patched later than i probably will, but as of right now, the game is just not made for me in mind.

Maybe in the next game but it'd be too late to get the game ready now this close to release

I'm a gay gamer too but I can see why the thought never entered Nintendo's mind (Japan branch at least). Gay Marriage is still a new emerging thing in most places. Nintendo just went to the default option of man marrying woman and there's nothing wrong with that in some circumstances as a lot of companies are still adapting to such options.

I think it's possible to see gay marriage in a sequel though as this will surely get Ninty's attention.

( Edited 07.05.2014 23:51 by Ifrit XXII )

It's odd considering how progressive Animal Crossing New Leaf is. I highly doubt there'd be much in the way of conservative backlash - and either way companies should be brave enough to make a stand for equal rights. Don't remember anyone complaining about cross dressing in ACNL. And the 'not being able to tweak the code' thing must be rubbish - they're able to change singing to rap battles and other mini games to suit the West, but not this?

calling its exclusion "social commentary" is a bit strong. 

darkflame (guest) 09.05.2014#6

Typical bullshit corporate reply.
Your taking a stand by not including something. You might not want to take aside. You might want to pretend your both infavor and against to different groups at the same time - but you cant.

By issuing this sort of reply in many ways your making yourself more in the light.
Having gay couples not included could merely be taken as coding convince - not putting in things for  a minority. But in order for that to be the case you need to state it as the reason, not try to avoid making any statement at all.

Gregory A. Swarthout (guest) 19.05.2014#7

welshwuff said:
I cant say i appreciate their replies at all. Im a gay gamer myself who was interested in this game until i found out i cant play it the way i intended to. Boycott is a strong word but i will be skipping the game as it just lost its appeal to me. If it gets patched later than i probably will, but as of right now, the game is just not made for me in mind.

You should also avoid any Sega game that don't allow you to play as Gay Sonic(tm).

Anonymous (guest) 18.06.2014#8

well want them to put it in but it wouldn't matter to me if they did or didn't and if they do put that in the game there will be complaints and if they don't there will be complaints form different people but it is just a game I understand it has a huge role in the game but just not buy it then if you feel that way even know you shouldn't have to do that it is just a virtual game not real life so why not get heterosexual people in your island and make sure your mii doesn't get in relationship but there is one thing think about it no body would have cared if this was in the past but now it is today you should be able to marry who you want but you don't have to not buy a game because you can't marry the same sex

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