Rumour: Nintendo Consider Same-Sex Marriage is a "Bug" that Needs Patching

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.05.2013 18

Rumour: Nintendo Consider Same-Sex Marriage is a "Bug" that Needs Patching on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are rumoured to be preparing a "fix" in Tomodachi Collection to address same-sex marriages.

In the life simulator Tomodachi Collection: New Life, players have been reporting that they are able to set two male characters to marry each other. Whilst it isn't an issue by any means, it's being reported as a "bug" because gay/lesbian relationships don't appear to be options in New Life by default.

Image for Rumour: Nintendo Consider Same-Sex Marriage is a "Bug" that Needs Patching

The gay relationship feature has found a growing number of fans delighted by the option. It allows two male Mii characters to go steady, marry, go on a Honeymoon and raise children. It doesn't, however, allow the option for female/lesbian relationships.

Nintendo has yet to confirm whether the gay marriage option was intentional, but it appears that the company will be issuing a "fix" via patch in the future.

Should Nintendo really consider male/gay relationships as a "bug" and is this really an issue? Why can't gay/lesbian relationships be possible in a life simulator game?

Box art for Tomodachi Life








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The way this is worded tickles all my equality bones so I couldn't stay silent on the matter. Smilie

Eesh though, it's obvious Nintendo didn't intend for gay marriage to be a feature in the game, but it's impossible to say what their real stance on it is. As a Japan-only game for kids, that may be where the "stance" lies.. Japanese thought and understanding on non-heterosexuality is very different compared to many Western regions, they typically view it in a more whimsical way for the time being.

But long story short, I do think Nintendo should allow non-heterosexual marriage in their games (Fire Emblem really coulda done with it too, it even had commentary on how certain guy/guy or girl/girl couples would be like together which makes me think they can't be totally against it). It could be a long time before that's something they officially acknowledge, but I think it'll probably happen someday. Not in the next half a decade though, haha.

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SuperLink said:
The way this is worded tickles all my equality bones so I couldn't stay silent on the matter. Smilie

Eesh though, it's obvious Nintendo didn't intend for gay marriage to be a feature in the game, but it's impossible to say what their real stance on it is. As a Japan-only game for kids, that may be where the "stance" lies.. Japanese thought and understanding on non-heterosexuality is very different compared to many Western regions, they typically view it in a more whimsical way for the time being.

But long story short, I do think Nintendo should allow non-heterosexual marriage in their games (Fire Emblem really coulda done with it too, it even had commentary on how certain guy/guy or girl/girl couples would be like together which makes me think they can't be totally against it). It could be a long time before that's something they officially acknowledge, but I think it'll probably happen someday. Not in the next half a decade though, haha.

Well, they're firing all of the older-than-God's-dog guys on their board of directors; the time is ripe for changing.

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Toothy (guest) 09.05.2013#3

The Sims has allowed same-sex relationships since the year 2000.

This isn't a bug, it should be left in the game. They should patch it to add same sex marriages between woman.

Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.
As much as this is just your opinion, Cubed3 is not the place to argue about sexuality. We're all here because we're all gamers, but the opinions you've just voiced out could upset some members and make people hate you. Opinions are fine, but not when they upset people.

Just warning you in advance.

( Edited 09.05.2013 16:29 by Mush )

Vorash Kadan said:
If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life

Chose? Not sure if trolling or genuinely ignorant and narrow-minded.

Alas, Mush is right, this isn't the place for it.

The patch should indeed just add the inclusion of same-sex relationships for females too. If it is just a bug, it's one that should be left in.

Vorash Kadan said:
Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.

There's so much wrong with this post I'm insulted and kind of disgusted on multiple levels.

And I won't even bother with it.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nintendo may have just inadvertently gained a new fanbase in Japan haha. Smilie

I don't really play any games that allow you to marry but I would choose male/male if the option was there.

SuperLink said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.

There's so much wrong with this post I'm insulted and kind of disgusted on multiple levels.

And I won't even bother with it.

Posts like Vorash's make me wish we still had the down-vote-mushroom.

Also, if theoretically 100% of the population was gay, our species would not die out. You are incorrect in your thoughts that our society would not be able to procreate if only males married males and females married females.

( Edited 09.05.2013 21:32 by Sonic_13 )

Pretty darn sure the world hasnt got a under population problem Smilie
We are only, like, using up 7 times more resources then the world can replenish right now. Yup, that underpopulation is a real risk for us.


Anyway, the "logical" reason for the lack of same-sex specific couples in games is it somewhat multiples work up. If scenes have to be specialy coded with varying "hes" and "shes", I can appriciate some games it might take more work.

In this case though, its absolutely insane to patch it out.
And lets not even bring up the "children" crap with the double standards. The idea that its more wrong for a child to see a homosexual couple then a hetro one and it will somehow "infect" them is just twisted.
Its bad enough that while Disney can have hetro-weddings in every other film, but homosexuals arnt allowed to even be acknowledged as existing in childrens cartoons. (Greg Wiesman, writter of Gargoyles,SpecSpider-man and Young Justice went into this on his blog - He said he simply wasnt allowed to acknowledge it) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Vorash Kadan said:
Bible bullshit and general stupidity (typically uneducated American).

As soon as you manage to have intercourse with anyone other than one of your siblings, I'll be glad to listen to your opinion on sexuality. Until then, people from less primitive countries (most of the members on this site) will appreciate if you just stick to your toys and your opinion on toys instead of meddling in affairs that effect and speak to actual people on a deep personal level. Since that requires a brain that's just a little bit more matured; in other words I'm trying to convince you to "go smart", which is probably futile (not quite on the level of sexual orientation though...I hope).

note: you have a right to freedom of religion, but know that failure to keep your god fantasies to yourself offends and pisses off every decent civilized human being on our planet. Hope you will understand someday, and thanks in advance if you manage to (good luck).

I don't often get angry. I really don't. But since I'm home from work and have some time on my hands I've been catching up on listening to the Tropes versus Women responses. And I have decided I want to get angry at this feminist. In fact I am so angry I ... I...
..I WANT TO ***ING PUNCH HER IN THE THROAT FOR BEING SUCH AN IGNORANT FUCKING C***. ok...ok...I'm just gonna take a breather. I don't often get angry. I really don't.
I REALLY DON'T. Unless it's about a woman being ignorant about videogames. Ugh, that's just so ignorant. Like I said, I don't often get angry. I'm actually very happy. Just give me my videogame. It's my hobby and it threatens nobody. Just don't be ignorant about it, coz then I just might have to kill you.

Vorash Kadan said:
Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.

I don't see the moral problem and I don't see what spiritual problems it causes, sorry.  

People with these views still exist?

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Dwayne (guest) 10.05.2013#13

Funny how it's considered a fix.

Yeah this seems like a funny thing to overlook. Maybe a sneaky thing left in by a closeted programmer. Lovely though - and I definitely think that Nintendo should add lesbian relationships and make non-heterosexual marriages a part of it.

Clicky - for a bit of cultural context.

Vorash Kadan said:
Good, homosexuallity is just wrong both morally & from a species servival standpoint. If say 63% of the human populace chose this way of life we'd be having a larger death toll than birth rate & with how stubborn & ignorant people are I doubt we'd be mature enough to convince enough of said populace to do the right thing & go straight. That life choice just isn't worth risking our species over on top of the moral/spiritual problems it causes.




Vorash Kadan said:
That life choice...

I would love to hear your story of the day you made the conscious choice to be attracted to women.

Wrong, just wrong!

C said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Bible bullshit and general stupidity (typically uneducated American).

As soon as you manage to have intercourse with anyone other than one of your siblings, I'll be glad to listen to your opinion on sexuality. Until then, people from less primitive countries (most of the members on this site) will appreciate if you just stick to your toys and your opinion on toys instead of meddling in affairs that effect and speak to actual people on a deep personal level. Since that requires a brain that's just a little bit more matured; in other words I'm trying to convince you to "go smart", which is probably futile (not quite on the level of sexual orientation though...I hope).

note: you have a right to freedom of religion, but know that failure to keep your god fantasies to yourself offends and pisses off every decent civilized human being on our planet. Hope you will understand someday, and thanks in advance if you manage to (good luck).

I am sorry, but just because someone follows a religion does not make them indecent or uncivilized. Religion has nothing to do with the ignorance of people, nor does ethnicity. Believe it or not, there are plenty of kind, well-educated Christians and Americans out there. Also, everyone has the freedom of speech, do they not? Even though most of us (myself included) do not agree with Vorash's opinion, they have the right to speak. We don't have to listen to them.

Anyway, getting on-topic here; I largely agree with what SuperLink had to say about the matter. We must keep in mind that Japan's views on sexuality are very different from our Western-minded views. Also, their stance to fix the "bug" in the game does not automatically imply that they are against homosexual couples, though it's a shame that they are choosing to remove it. I believe Nintendo will be allowing such relationships and marriages to exist in their games, though we're most likely looking a few years ahead in time for that. Better late than never.

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