C said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Bible bullshit and general stupidity (typically uneducated American).
As soon as you manage to have intercourse with anyone other than one of your siblings, I'll be glad to listen to your opinion on sexuality. Until then, people from less primitive countries (most of the members on this site) will appreciate if you just stick to your toys and your opinion on toys instead of meddling in affairs that effect and speak to actual people on a deep personal level. Since that requires a brain that's just a little bit more matured; in other words I'm trying to convince you to "go smart", which is probably futile (not quite on the level of sexual orientation though...I hope).
note: you have a right to freedom of religion, but know that failure to keep your god fantasies to yourself offends and pisses off every decent civilized human being on our planet. Hope you will understand someday, and thanks in advance if you manage to (good luck).
I am sorry, but just because someone follows a religion does not make them indecent or uncivilized. Religion has nothing to do with the ignorance of people, nor does ethnicity. Believe it or not, there are plenty of kind, well-educated Christians and Americans out there. Also, everyone has the freedom of speech, do they not? Even though most of us (myself included) do not agree with Vorash's opinion, they have the right to speak. We don't have to listen to them.
Anyway, getting on-topic here; I largely agree with what SuperLink had to say about the matter. We must keep in mind that Japan's views on sexuality are very different from our Western-minded views. Also, their stance to fix the "bug" in the game does not automatically imply that they are against homosexual couples, though it's a shame that they are choosing to remove it. I believe Nintendo will be allowing such relationships and marriages to exist in their games, though we're most likely looking a few years ahead in time for that. Better late than never.