Video: Nintendo UK's History of Mario Kart

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2014 2

Video: Nintendo UK

Nintendo UK have whipped together a historical look at how the Mario Kart series has developed over the years.

From the Mode-7 series debut back in 1993 to the multiplayer madness in Mario Kart 64, multi-racer antics on the GameCube to gliding around in Mario Kart 7, the series has truly advanced over two decades. Now, over twenty years on, the series finally steps into the HD era with Mario Kart  8 on the Wii U.


Which of the Mario Kart games are your favourites?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Gotta be Mario Kart Wii for me - bikes are ace, control is perfect and love the levels, online play.

MK64 was good, but too problematic with collision detection - wasn't too fond of it, but loved the circuits.

DS was good, have fond memories of it, but haven't played it for years.

MK7 is pretty decent, getting back into it recently.

From what I've played of 8, it's bloody brilliant. Easily up there with Wii.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I know others feel differently, but I'd say Mario Kart has grown better with every release. I'd say Mario Kart 7  and Mario Kart Wii are pretty equal as the best and Mario Kart 8 looks to change that again.

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