Level-5 Surprised at Yo-Kai Watch Popularity

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2014

Level-5 Surprised at Yo-Kai Watch Popularity on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 president Akihiro Hino has expressed his surprise at just how popular new IP Yo-Kai Watch has become.

Speaking to Japanese magazine Famitsu, Hino noted that "since the beginning of the year, its popularity has gone much higher than I had expected." The company partnered with various third parties to launch a range of content - including an animé series and toys - to which the "Yo-kai Watch craze practically exploded, which was even surprising for us."

Hino also highlighted shipments of over one million units, with sales expected to hit that figure "in the near future." Since February the game has sold around "40,000 to 50,000 copies, so it seems like it continues to rise day by day." Sales have climbed after dropping off to figures that were being recorded at launch.

As for the toys, they're selling so fast that "a lot of people can't get their hands on them."

The sequel, Yo-kai Watch 2, is due out in Japan this July, with the animé heading to North America this Spring.

Are you interested in the Yo-Kai Watch series?

Box art for Yo-kai Watch





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