Buy Mario Kart 8, Get a Free Wii U Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.04.2014 15

Buy Mario Kart 8, Get a Free Wii U Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are offering fans even greater value with the forthcoming Wii U racer, with a bonus game promotion on Club Nintendo.

If players register a Club Nintendo PIN code for Mario Kart 8 by 31st July 2014, one of ten selected Wii U titles (EU) or four (US) will become available by 31st August 2014. This also applies to those who grab any of the Mario Kart 8 hardware or software bundles, and simply requires a Club Nintendo account to redeem.

The free games for Europe include:

  • Nintendo Land
  • Wii Party U
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Mario & Sonic the the Olympic Winter Games
  • Sonic Lost World
  • Pikmin 3
  • Game & Wario
  • The Wonderful 101
The free games for the US include:
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Pikmin 3
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • Wii Party U
In today's Nintendo Direct the company also talked more about the online play/Mario Kart TV, plus announced new characters and items.

Which of these free games will you redeem after buying Mario Kart 8?

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Wow that list for US is really gimped. lol

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I already own all the games I care about (if I could even use this with Club Nintendo, which I can't) but guys, guys. This is your chance to try out The Wonderful 101! DO IT!

Exactly the sort of stuff Nintendo needs to do - gotta give them big props for this. Well done. Now I need to think about what to choose...

Although, yeah, weird how the US list is tiny.

Really awesome deal and I'm glad I'll be able to download W101 for free.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'm going to put it out there... Is TW101 really that good...? Tried it briefly during some events and, well, thought it was alright.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
I'm going to put it out there... Is TW101 really that good...? Tried it briefly during some events and, well, thought it was alright.

Definitely not good if you just try playing it quickly at an event or only the eShop demo, it needs to be experienced as a whole where you actually have time to learn the mechanics.

Wonderful 101 is pretty damn good and exhilarating once you get past the learning curve for controls. Using the Wonder Liner to its full potential is definitely the trickiest thing about the game and unfortunately the tutorials for it are a bit lacking.

Besides that flaw though, I honestly can't recommend the game enough to fans of action games or Platinum games in general. If you already have titles like WW and Pikmin, would honestly suggest Wonderful 101 as your next get.

The main reason I'm not suggesting W101 over all others is because I know it's not for everyone, but I personally enjoyed it more than Pikmin 3 and most people will have played Wind Waker before.

I'll be getting Game&Wario since I've already got every other game on the list worth owning. Game&Wario seems like a decent little game which is £20 too expensive for what it is. "Free" sounds like a decent price to buy it at lol.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Azuardo said:
Exactly the sort of stuff Nintendo needs to do - gotta give them big props for this. Well done. Now I need to think about what to choose...

Monster Hunter, do it.

SuperLink said:
I'll be getting Game&Wario since I've already got every other game on the list worth owning. Game&Wario seems like a decent little game which is £20 too expensive for what it is. "Free" sounds like a decent price to buy it at lol.

I'm assuming you also own everything besides Wii Party U and Mario & Sonic?
Those and Game & Wario are the only 3 I'm missing, but I think I'll also be getting G&W, purely because it's the one I have the most interest in.

( Edited 30.04.2014 16:44 by Mush )

Mush said:
I'm assuming you also own everything besides Wii Party U and Mario & Sonic?
Those and Game & Wario are the only 3 I'm missing, but I think I'll also be getting G&W, purely because it's the one I have the most interest in.

Yep the only 3 I don't have Smilie and I couldn't have less interest in Wii Party or Mario & Sonic if I tried.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'll probably go for NSMB U or Game & Wario. The Wonderful 101 definitely isn't my sort of game and to be honest, I've not really been a fan of Platinum Games in general.

Good grief. Why so few titles to select from for us US players? Save for Wii Party U, anyone who already owns a Wii U very likely already owns the other 3 titles.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Dang, I would have liked to have gotten Game & Wario.

I'll get Wii Party U since I already own two of the others and have already played through Wind Waker.

Pretty awesome that we get a free game though for buying another awesome game!

( Edited 30.04.2014 19:26 by Sonic_13 )

I've got Zelda, NSMB and Pikmin so I'll go with Sonic Lost World. Not interested in anything else. This is awesome!!!

Awesome offer. I'm getting MK8 for free anyway so this is icing on an already delicious cake. Smilie

jb said:
I'm going to put it out there... Is TW101 really that good...? Tried it briefly during some events and, well, thought it was alright.

If you have time to get to grips with it, then absolutely yes.

bobbyTkO (guest) 08.05.2014#15

If you liked Viewtiful Joe then Wonderful 101 is probably fun for you. Its the kind of arcade 'hardcore' hyper game that just wont please you if have other things to do besides investing lots of time to be able to play a videogame. Its obviously a quality game though but you just have to be that type of gamerdude. Which is only a handful of people.

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