Share Mario Kart 8 Videos to YouTube, Create Online Tournaments, Voice Chat

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.04.2014 8

Share Mario Kart 8 Videos to YouTube, Create Online Tournaments, Voice Chat on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo held a Mario Kart direct presentation today, revealing more details on the forthcoming game including the online features and TV mode.

As with Mario Kart Wii, up to twelve racers can compete together in four different multiplayer modes.

The presentation delved deeper into the online features for the game, which will now include voice chat/text phrases in the lobby area, and also the addition public/private tournaments. These will also include the day/time to race, plus specific rules.


The Wii U release also sees the return of the ability to race against worldwide ghost data, with special stamps available for those who outpace the development team's scores.

As previously announced, "Mario Kart TV" will allow players to put together highlight reels and upload these to Miiverse. More interestingly, Nintendo are also introducing YouTube connectivity, with sequences uploadable to the video sharing site if players have a Google account.

What are your thoughts on the online features and TV options available for Mario Kart 8?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Good, good, good! 

- Tournaments = excellent
- Voice chat = great, but shame about the lack of in-race?
- Upload to YouTube? Since when did Nintendo get so modern? lol

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Good, good, good! 

- Tournaments = excellent
- Voice chat = great, but shame about the lack of in-race?
- Upload to YouTube? Since when did Nintendo get so modern? lol

Guess they mainly wanted it in lobbies so people can discuss what they actually want to do (GP, Battle, track choices, whatever). Skype is the superior choice anyway, and doesn't require a separate Wii U headset.

I know people use Skype but I don't understand the lack of an option for in-game voice chat. Perhaps you don't have a working computer near you, or Skype is playing up or other stuff. No harm in having the option. Baby steps - the pre/after-game voice chat is something at least.

I'm also very concerned about the 'items' option for lobbies. I've not seen anything about being able to truly customise items for friend games. I know it was discussed in an interview of sorts, but there's been nothing solid on it. I get the impression it's more of a MK7 communities thing - choose from options: bananas only, shells only, bombs only, no items etc. I hope we get true confirmation of SSB-style customising.

YouTube stuff is good. Hope it uploads in 720p HD.

SirLink said:
doesn't require a separate Wii U headset.

Not really a big hurdle. Any pair of headphones with a microphone (like those that come with iPhones) work fine.

Sonic_13 said:
SirLink said:
doesn't require a separate Wii U headset.

Not really a big hurdle. Any pair of headphones with a microphone (like those that come with iPhones) work fine.

It's not a hurdle if you simply want to chat, after all I've used only the GamePad mic itself for hundreds of hours of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate because I had no other alternative. Now, though, I have a decent headset that I don't want stop using for inferior options.

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
Skype is the superior choice anyway, and doesn't require a separate Wii U headset.

I've been using the same headset on my Wii U and laptop for Skype indifferently for ages Smilie. Works super fine! I don't know what you mean by "separate Wii U headset"

( Edited 01.05.2014 00:46 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
SirLink said:
Skype is the superior choice anyway, and doesn't require a separate Wii U headset.

I've been using the same headset on my Wii U and laptop for Skype indifferently for ages Smilie. Works super fine! I don't know what you mean by "separate Wii U headset"

I've tried using mine on my Wii U before, it didn't work. Smilie It's a Turtlebeach P11 (PC/PS3).

( Edited 01.05.2014 00:50 by SirLink )

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
I've tried using mine on my Wii U before, it didn't work. Smilie It's a Turtlebeach P11 (PC/PS3).

Mine's the supposedly inferior Turtlebeach Z11, and it works ace Smilie. Great sound quality and the mic always worked just fine (as you could witness from the sound quality on Skype. Yours sounds great too btw).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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