E3 2014 | Nintendo Details E3 Plans, Live Stream and Super Smash Bros Tournament

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.04.2014 6

E3 2014 | Nintendo Details E3 Plans, Live Stream and Super Smash Bros Tournament on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During E3 2014 Nintendo will be hosting four unique experiences under a promotional campaign called Play Nintendo.

With the much anticipated gaming event a mere weeks away, fans have been wondering what Nintendo will be getting up to in order to build hype for key releases this year on Wii U and 3DS.

Building on the approach taken last year, Nintendo will be airing a "Nintendo Digital Event" to detail gaming experiences on Nintendo platforms for 2014 and beyond. It'll be available to watch at 9am PT on Tuesday June 10th.

With Super Smash Bros. being one of the major releases for 2014, with two titles on the horizon, Nintendo will be inviting 16 skilled players to the NOKIA Theatre in Los Angeles to compete in a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament. There'll be a live stream online to see the winner crowned, with more details to be announced shortly.

Image for E3 2014 | Nintendo Details E3 Plans, Live Stream and Super Smash Bros Tournament

There'll also be opportunities to play Super Smash Bros. during the "Super Smash Bros. Smash Fest" at selected Best Buy stores, with fans going hands-on with the Wii U version.

Finally, there'll be live demos from the Nintendo E3 booth, subscripted, lead by the Nintendo "Treehouse" team, allowing fans to "open their browsers and experience the Nintendo games at E3 like never before."


What are you hoping to see from Nintendo during this year's E3? What are your thoughts on Nintendo's plans for E3?

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Our member of the week

No big hyped E3 conference like the other constructors sucks IMHO. But if they make it up by showing loads of new first party exclusives coming to Wii U and throw in a few new IPs for good measure, I won't complain Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

As always, I'll be watching whatever happens on a stream so there's really no difference for me. For all their hype, I'm rarely impressed by the other E3 conferences, partly because many games I play on other platforms aren't E3 hype material because they aren't mainstream enough.

The Mega64 video starring Reggie is pure comedy gold. All the Zelda references in it are brilliant foreshadowing.

( Edited 29.04.2014 15:29 by SirLink )

I don't think there is any  less hype for Nintendo's conference just because there is no presentation in front of an audience. I can understand press people being a little disappointed, but for 99% of people they're watching the event on their computer as they always would.

No one ever said "Mario Kart and Smash Bros. look incredible, but imagine how much more awesome those games could have been had they been announced in front of a live audience instead!"

Secret announcement for Fils-amech in SSB4. Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

A live stream of wii u smash with pro players? That's amazing, I can't wait to see that in action. Mega 64 video was hilarious as always xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Sonic_13 said:
I don't think there is any  less hype for Nintendo's conference just because there is no presentation in front of an audience. I can understand press people being a little disappointed, but for 99% of people they're watching the event on their computer as they always would.

No one ever said "Mario Kart and Smash Bros. look incredible, but imagine how much more awesome those games could have been had they been announced in front of a live audience instead!"

Indeed, booth babes do NOTHING for games which is what E3 has devolved into unfortunately. Still I'm surprised they turned down a PAX showing, at least that expo has more self respect than E3 does for gamers.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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