Vorash Kadan said:
Greeeaat....so instead of Nintendo FIXING what third parties think of them & educating the idiotic masses who CLAIM to know Nintendo yet have never played or owned a SINGLE game/system from them Iwata chooses to just expand into other mediums......I really hate that guy...
That speech is directed at investors, not at consumers. And investors main concern isn't that people never played Nintendo games it's that Nintendo isn't making enough money to their taste. You're taking his statements out of context. And LOADS of investors say that Nintendo should expand into other territories because they think Nintendo is incapable of coming back to the forefront of the industry the way you say they should.
Anyway, on a totally different subject, I don't think the issue with Nintendo is that they're not bringing enough fun through their games, the issue is that they're not bringing enough technical advancements in the visual department, which is all that the audience demands these days. You will never see gamers cater to a version of a multiplatform game that has poorer graphics than the others. That's all they care about these days, even if the game is the 100th rehash of the same formula all over again with just a handful of different maps or characters *cough* Call of Duty *cough* *cough* FIFA *cough*... so long as it's always prettier to look at,, it'll sell. Nintendo hasn't been able to provide developers with the means to do just that with the Wii and Wii U (though some would argue that differences in visuals between Wii U games and and their current XB1 and PS4 counterparts isn't exactly like night and day like it used to be with the Wii and its competitors).
The same audience that made the Wii work so well at retail has, I think, moved on to something else entirely that's keeping them busy, like tablets and smartphones, and I think the gamepad is the perfect proof that Nintendo is aware of that as well. However not only does the gamepad feel more bulky, cheaper (a resistive screen at such low res in this day and age?), but it also can't provide the same portability that a tablet offers. And we're progressively seeing the surge of gaming Android tablets with built-in gaming controls too, and more and more games for Android detect such inputs and play very well with them! I'm even pondering myself of getting a JXD s5800, which is a powerful hybrid of a smartphone AND a portable gaming console. Ever fancied emulating Dreamcast or PSP on the go? Yes, you can ! And soon, the Gamecube too, providing that the console has a decent enough CPU! It's right the corner, it's happening! Something that Nintendo can't even do themselves on their home console is happpening on handheld devices. Times are changing and Nintendo is taking ages to adapt.
Having said that, I'm not so sure that's the direction that Nintendo needs to go, as by the time their next console comes out, the market will probably have moved onto something else entirely. The market evolves so fast. I think they rather need something that will really attract attention, something a bulky gamepad with a small non-HD resistive touch screen can't do, no matter how great its application in gameplay may be (I'm having a blast with it and wouldn't imagine playing a multiplat game like Resi Revelations any other way!).
I don't see Nintendo reconquering the hardcore gamer market. The damage is done and Nintendo isn't changing their hide anytime soon to become the kind of flashy company that's at the top of technology that people so want it to be. When Nintendo last tried, with the Gamecube, even though third party support was mostly there, it still didn't sell well regardless, so I don't see Nintendo going back that route. Unless they can come up with a bright idea that will make people turn their heads towards them, like the iPhone or Wii did, which drove people away from home console or handheld console gaming in some proportion, I don't see them making a huge comeback. One thing they can always count on however, is brand recognition in terms of software. Nintendo may stop making hardware tomorrow, they're not going under in this century, I don't see that happening. I'm not saying I want them to stop making hardware, but just that if it comes to that, I can still count on them to make new zelda and mario games happen when I'm 80 years old and play them with my grandchildren XD.
Nintendo making an iPhone (figuratively speaking, I'm talking about the phenomenon here, not the technical likeness) COULD also make even people who would otherwise never even own a Nintendo system turn their heads as well and go...
Anyway, I'm lost in conjecture, I'll just stop it there XD.