Nintendo UK to Run Mario Kart 8 Promotions to the end of 2014

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2014 5

Nintendo UK to Run Mario Kart 8 Promotions to the end of 2014 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Mario Kart 8 on the horizon, Nintendo UK will be running promotions for the game through to the end of 2014.

The campaign has already started through social media networks, relying on nostalgic posts on past Mario Kart titles, with TV and online activity that'll run from the launch day (May 30th) till the end of the year. Speaking to MVC this week, UK Mario brand manager Roger Langford said "we will have marketing activity pre-launch as well as post-launch moving through the summer and into peak season."


What campaigns are you expecting to see for Mario Kart 8?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Campaign through to the end of the year = great, but starting TV and online ads on launch day is bonkers imo - at least two weeks prior should be the case - need to hype the title to the casuals.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo should be building up hype for the month of may! Good to see them spending some money on advertising though finally! 

When in doubt....Whip it out!

I do hope they get this right.

What the WiiU needs desperately, especially in the UK, is a 'relaunch'. Now that there's a good library of games, they've got everything they need to make an impact.

Guest (guest) 27.04.2014#4

Anticipation for a release and allowing those with or without a Wiiu now to buy it at the same time builds sales. I got a wiiu off the back of the zombie u trailers as i wanted to be the first to own and play the game not the console. I don't claim to know anything about marketing but I know a pre-launch action plan must take lots of time, money and must just be laziness based on a 'we have a perfect game so it will sell all year' mentality. If anything it's smacks of ignorance or arrogance and it's so bloody boring....

Our member of the week

I remember seeing MK Wii adverts even 2 to 3 YEARS after its release on Wii, over here in Belgium.It IS after all their best selling Wii game EVER, right after Wii Sports, unless I'm much mistaken, and unless it's been overtaken by now, by other titles, it was for a while the 5th best selling video game of all time! That's quite something! MK7 helped push the 3DS a little at least, though it has yet to reach the same amount of sales as MK Wii. How much instrumental it was to turn the tides for the handheld, I don't know for sure though. Will be interesting to see how much this helps the Wii U, though I think myself too that they should advertise the game prior to release, big time, to raise awareness that it's coming at least !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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