Nintendo: GBA and SNES Remixes Possible

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.04.2014

Nintendo: GBA and SNES Remixes Possible on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Crave remixes of Nintendo titles on systems other than the NES? A SNES or GBA Remix may just happen in the future.

In an interview with the director of the popular NES Remix series, Koichi Hayashida, he noted how if there was "a big enough outpouring of support", it would be something for Nintendo to look into. On a personal note, working with past Super Nintendo (SNES) and Game Boy Advance titles in the Remix compilations is something Hayashida has a "large desire to explore", but again it all comes down to demand.

If these projects to come to fruition, players could wander around in a re-arranged Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening or explore a new take on the classic Metroid Fusion.

What SNES or Game Boy Advance titles will you like to see remixed?

Box art for NES Remix 2








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