The Adventures of Captain Toad Could Continue

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2014

The Adventures of Captain Toad Could Continue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Adventures of Captain Toad could continue if there's enough interest from fans into producing similar games.

In an interview in the latest issue of EDGE magazine, co-director of Super Mario 3D World, Koichi Hayashida, didn't rule out taking the concept further if "enough fans express such enthusiasm."

Kenta Motokura, also a co-director for the game, was asked whether The Adventures of Captain Toad was inspired by smartphone titles, to which he replied: "They weren't inspired by smartphone games. The idea was to design a game that would become even more fun as you play through it" and that a "short challenge with quick results would be a good motivation for players" to progress onto the next set of worlds.

Do you think these sorts of games could be fleshed out into standalone titles or perhaps as DLC?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





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