Watch Over 400 New Super Smash Bros. Screenshots in Gallery Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.04.2014 2

Watch Over 400 New Super Smash Bros. Screenshots in Gallery Videos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With a vast amount of Super Smash Bros. screenshots to absorb, why not sit back and watch through an action-packed slideshow?

There's nothing quite like getting comfy with a cup of sugar-drenched tea or hot cocoa and nodding off to a good old-fashioned slideshow. It's time for a photo album with a difference as Mario, Link, Princess Peach, Samus, Donkey Kong and many more Nintendo favourites punch, kick, slash and swipe for crowing glory as the best Nintendo fighter.

This week headlines were dominated by Super Smash Bros, with new custom move-sets, new Pokémon characters, online details and more revealed for the Wii U and 3DS versions. Nintendo also sent across a handful of full-resolution screenshots; and what better way to sift though over 500 pictures than a slideshow video?



What are your thoughts on the latest batch of Super Smash Bros. screenshots?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Nice compilation you put together there, looking forward to getting BOTH versions of the game.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

And then Nintendo released even more new screenshots, all in 1080p! Smilie

I used those for our latest PodSmashers podcast, where we mostly talk about Zelda in the new SSB.

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