Flowerworks HD Details and Launch Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2014

Flowerworks HD Details and Launch Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nocturnal Entertainment has outlined some of the upgraded features for Flowerworks HD on Wii U.

As the name suggests, Flowerworks HD: Follie's Adventure is an enhanced remake of the the original WiiWare release, where heroine Follie sets out to transform planet Elilia from drab to fab.

The Wii U version features 2-player co-operative play, off-TV support and multiple control schemes: Wii U GamePad, Wii Remote or Wii U Pro Controller. As well as re-mastered visuals, the game will run at a solid 60fps and output to 1080p. Throw in five difficulty settings, adventure and quick play modes for added measure.


The updated game will touch down on the eShop next week in North America, with initial launch price of $3.50 (40% off) for the first four weeks, with a European launch expected in May.

Nocturnal Entertainment also highlighted that funding from the remake will also go towards a new Wii U exclusive project.

Will you join Follie in the Wii U remake of Flowerworks?

Box art for Flowerworks: Follie's Adventure








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