Super Smash Bros Direct Announced for April 8th

By Az Elias 04.04.2014 10

Super Smash Bros Direct Announced for April 8th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has announced that a special Nintendo Direct focusing solely on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS will air on Tuesday, April 8th.

The company is expected to reveal plenty of new details about the upcoming fighting game during the presentation, which will be shown live from the Nintendo Direct website, at 11pm UK time, 6pm EST, and 3pm PST.

Image for Super Smash Bros Direct Announced for April 8th

What are you hoping Nintendo will reveal and announce in Tuesday's Super Smash Bros. Direct?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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My expectations/wishes:

1) One or two newcomers
2) Confirmation of Yoshi/Captain Falcon coming back
3) Some new stages/items/assist trophies
4) Maybe some details on game modes
5) A great trailer I can keep watching over and over to hype myself, like the recent MK8 one Smilie

I expect the release date to be announced, and it be coming sooner than we expect!

( Edited 04.04.2014 20:40 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

My expectations/wishes:

1) Reggie confirmed as a playable character
2) Iwata as an assist trophy. Please understand, this is of utmost importance
3) A playable demo released on both eShops shortly after the presentation
4) A survival of the fittest between Reggie, Iwata, Sakurai and of course, Shibata.
5) A ten minute intermission featuring cats

If none of these things happen, I will lose all faith in Nintendo and jump aboard the S.S. Sony...


I'd love to see Bayonetta & Jeane as playable characters.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
I'd love to see Bayonetta & Jeane as playable characters.
I'd rather have Reggie and Iwata as the new Ice Climbers.

Mush said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I'd love to see Bayonetta & Jeane as playable characters.
I'd rather have Reggie and Iwata as the new Ice Climbers.

That would be......weird (o)_(o).

Also congrats on the promotion to staff & what do you mean you'll board the S.S. sony?!!?!? What's going on Mush?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Mush said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I'd love to see Bayonetta & Jeane as playable characters.
I'd rather have Reggie and Iwata as the new Ice Climbers.

That would be......weird (o)_(o).

Also congrats on the promotion to staff & what do you mean you'll board the S.S. sony?!!?!? What's going on Mush?

I've been on the staff for a while now, but thanks. It's called a joke, I would never step into such unknown territory. (That was also me kidding, I've nothing against Sony.)

Bayonetta would be awesome, am hoping for a few more female characters at least.

New proper gameplay footage would be great, maybe a look at single player, and also some more returners.

I reckon it'll end up being: a few returners, stages, and a newcomer (doubt it'd be more than one newcomer revealed for it). Hoping for a date, though I still think they'll say 2014 - or maybe "Holiday 2014". Really hope it's out by Summer, though, to fill the gaps.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Bayonetta would be awesome, am hoping for a few more female characters at least.

New proper gameplay footage would be great, maybe a look at single player, and also some more returners.

I reckon it'll end up being: a few returners, stages, and a newcomer (doubt it'd be more than one newcomer revealed for it). Hoping for a date, though I still think they'll say 2014 - or maybe "Holiday 2014". Really hope it's out by Summer, though, to fill the gaps.

I don't think Bayonetta would quite fit in, she would be like Snake in Brawl. A little.. out of place. If we were to see any Platinum characters, Wonder Red would be the most likely in my opinion. Glad they kept Sonic in, because although he isn't a part of the "Nintendo Universe" he doesn't seem out of place at all.

In terms of what I want to actually see in the Direct, I would love some more details about extra modes/online features and it'd be also nice to detail the Miiverse integration. I'm really hoping they let us share replays and custom stages on Miiverse, it'd be great.

I'd also like Sakurai to expand on the differences between the two versions and tell us how they interact with each other, if they actually do.

It'd also be nice to see some alternate costumes that do more than just change the colour of the character. Pretty sure we already saw this in the case of Male/Female Wii Fit Trainer, but it'd be awesome to see the same done for the villager and as for Link and Zelda, their Skyward Sword styles should be included as alternate costumes.

( Edited 05.04.2014 20:49 by Mush )

I could see Wonder Red being a Viewtiful Joe esque character...but given Bayonetta's wild fighting style I think she'll fit in. I mean Marth, Samus, Pokemon Trainer & Link are realistic looking comparied to Mario, Luigi, Wario & Ness proportions so I'd say she could fit in. The only thing is they'd have to do display her "hair strip" ability in a more censored way to avoid naughty photo shoots from underage players...kinda how they removed the upskirt view from Melee for the princess' & replaced it with a black whole of darkness.>_>

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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