Disney Magical World US Advert and Sweepstakes

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.04.2014

Disney Magical World US Advert and Sweepstakes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have rolled out a new TV advert across North America for the Disney Magical World 3DS game.

With the Disney adventure weaving its way onto Nintendo's handheld on April 11th, the campaign dives into some of the experiences on offer, including an Aladdin battle dungeon with ghosts and a pumpkin hunting Cinderella experience.

There's also a Disney Magical World sweepstakes, where five lucky winners can win a themed 3DS console and a copy of the game.


Earlier this week Disney also revealed a branded 3DS console.

Will you join Mickey and friends in their new 3DS adventure?

Box art for Disney Magical World
Also known as

Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life


Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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