Wii U Gets Intelligent with Advance Wars Game Boy Advance VC Release

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2014 2

Wii U Gets Intelligent with Advance Wars Game Boy Advance VC Release on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first Game Boy Advance title for the Wii U virtual console has been confirmed, Advance Wars.

The critically acclaimed, action-packed strategy hit will be reborn, this time on the big screen thanks to the Virtual Console service on the Wii U.

Originally released back in 2001, the main objective is to head up against the enemy army by capturing an opponent's headquarters or defeating all of the opposing side's units on the map in a turn-based format. Throw in a lengthy campaign mode and multiplayer, and there's a healthy recipe for tactical success.

Advance Wars is expected to surface on 3rd April on Wii U.

Will you engage the Advance Wars experience once again on Wii U?

Box art for Advance Wars

Intelligent Systems







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Guest (guest) 25.03.2014#1

Yes yes yes!!!

Still holding out for a 3DS version. Smilie

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