Mario Figures, Plushies and Coin Racers from Jakks

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2014 3

Mario Figures, Plushies and Coin Racers from Jakks on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Jakks will be launching a range of New Super Mario Bros. U and Mario Kart 7 toys in the coming months.

The first set, a range of mini-figures based on New Super Mario Bros. U, will include three different characters in each pack, plus specific playsets based on levels from the game.

The mini figures include:
1. Mario, Luigi, Goomba
2. Bob-Om, Princess Peach, Yoshi
3. Bowser, Koopa Troopa, Toad
4. Flying Squirrel Mario, Koopa Troopa, Nabbit
5. Flying Squirrel Luigi, Flying Squirrel Toad, Bob-Omb
6. Fire Mario, Bowser Jr., Bullet Bill
The playsets include:
1. Acorn Plains w/ Mario
2. Acorn Plains w/ Flying Squirrel Mario
3. Layer Cake Desert w /Luigi
4. Layer Cake Desert w/ Yoshi

Image for Mario Figures, Plushies and Coin Racers from Jakks
Image for Mario Figures, Plushies and Coin Racers from Jakks

In addition to figures, there'll also be a set of cuddly plushies as part of the range, which also include Pikmin and Link from the Legend of Zelda:

Set 1
1. Mario
2. Goomba
3. Bob-Omb
4. Luigi
5. Toad
Set 2
1. Mario
2. Yoshi
3. Link
4. Red Pikmin
5. Yellow Pikmin

Image for Mario Figures, Plushies and Coin Racers from Jakks

Jakks are also aiming to release a range of coin racers from Mario Kart 7 next month, with Mario, Luigi and Yoshi.

Thanks to C3 reader James for the tip.

Will you grab hold of any of these Mario-themed figures?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





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I need the Bob-omb plush.

PENNY RACERS WOOT!! This reminds me soooo much of my childhood, I also like the "MicroLand" branding on the Mario figure case. Are these for the UK only? I ask because the name Jakks doesn't sound familier to me as far as USA businesses go like Hasbro, Kenner, Milton Bradley ect. I miss Micromachines...T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Ikana! You can order the Bob-omb plush at

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