Mario Kart 8 Gets Limited Edition Release in the UK, Complete with Blue Shell Statue

By Javier Jimenez 06.03.2014 8

Mario Kart 8 Gets Limited Edition Release in the UK, Complete with Blue Shell Statue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As if anyone needed more excuses to buy the excellent looking Mario Kart 8, Nintendo has announced a limited edition bundle just for the UK. This bundle includes a nifty Blue Shell statue. No word on whether the statue was made from the distilled anguish of all the players who have fallen from 1st to last place in Mario Kart games. Likely it's just plastic, but it does look nice:

Image for Mario Kart 8 Gets Limited Edition Release in the UK, Complete with Blue Shell Statue

Preorders are available now, for the game's release on May 30th.

Buying directly from the Nintendo website, you can also grab a large Bullet Bill t-shirt and shell keyring to go along with the Limited Edition release, for £59.99.

Alternatively, you can buy the Mario Kart 8 Limited Edition without the t-shirt and keyring at some other retailers:


In related news, Nintendo set the release of Super Mario Kart on the eShop on March 27th at a price of £5.49. Nintendo further stated that users who purchase a Virtual Console title by June 30th will receive a discount of £5.49 on the digital version of Mario Kart 8. Not a bad deal!

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Likely it's just plastic

Obviously. Don't you have any idea how much authentic koopa shells go for on the market these days?

So it's just the Blue Shell figure? No extra Pro Controller or anything? That's...not worth £20 extra.

they are having a laugh at that price, should be a pre order bonus. as ikana said an extra pro controller for that price would have been nice or even a wiimote. maybe they will release a console bundle with one included. i think a bundle is needed to move consoles maybe include super mario kart aswell

( Edited 06.03.2014 23:28 by Supa_hyped )

Ikana said:
So it's just the Blue Shell figure? No extra Pro Controller or anything? That's...not worth £20 extra.

No, you get the figure plus a T-Shirt and a keyring for £60 Smilie

Cheesing it up said:
Ikana said:
So it's just the Blue Shell figure? No extra Pro Controller or anything? That's...not worth £20 extra.

No, you get the figure plus a T-Shirt and a keyring for £60 Smilie

That's only if buying at the Nintendo site. Other retailers don't have the tee and keyring, which is still £60 RRP.

I'm not a fan of figurines being in limited editions, because they bump the cost up considerably, when you could have something much better instead. I skipped the Bravely Default one because of the £80-90 tag, which was obviously due to the figurine.

I didn't expect a game like MK8 to get an LE, so I suppose it's good for those interested, but is it worth the £60 RRP retailers are charging? Not for me.

Woulda been better if it was Mario's gravity car instead of a blue shell xD Not interested in this tbh, more of a fan of art books and soundtracks myself. Still good for people who want this though and I'm wondering if smash bros will get any sort of limited edition.

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At least they're learning and not just limiting it to GAME, they really need to sort out the eShop card situation with that, being exclusive to game just means they aren't going to try to compete.

I'm 50-50 as to if I want to get this or not, LEs always tempt me but I hardly ever bite because they don't seem to be worth it half the time.

( Edited 08.03.2014 18:47 by Stulaw )

Stulaw said:
At least they're learning and not just limiting it to GAME, they rally need to sort out the eShop card situation with that, being exclusive to game just means they aren't going to try to compete.

GAME is still cheaper than buying direct from the e-shop store most of the time.

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