Call of Duty: Ghosts Gets Wii U Software Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.03.2014 3

Call of Duty: Ghosts Gets Wii U Software Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Call of Duty: Ghosts on Wii U has received a range of updates, including the much anticipated Free Fall multiplayer map.

The team have ramped up the stability of key aspects of the game, various glitches and errors that Wii U players had been experiencing so far including GamePad information syncing, grenade throwing and the occasional game hang that would result in a black screen.

The Wii U version is now fine tuned to 120.76.0 update.

For the full list of tweaks and changes, visit the Call of Duty forums.

Have you downloaded the latest update for Call of Duty: Ghosts?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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got my wiiu weekend just gone, so now this has an update i might just pick this up

Jesus (guest) 06.03.2014#2

Are they ever going to stop people moding the game and cheating

Jesus (guest) said:
Are they ever going to stop people moding the game and cheating
It isn't possible to mod on the Wii U version.

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