Nintendo to Crack Down on Mario Mobile Clones from China

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2014 1

Nintendo to Crack Down on Mario Mobile Clones from China on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

China-based studio Beijing Flyfish Technology has crafted a Super Mario Bros. rip-off in an attempt to cash in on the plumber's good name.

Most games that intend on using Nintendo's iconic mascot for inspiration usually attempt to mask the fact. However the studio's recently released app is actually named Super Mario, and features a number of slightly tweaked assets.

Beijing Flyfish Technology feels that because there are numerous Mario flash games, there isn't a need to gain permission from Nintendo.

Yasuhiro Minagawa told Bloomberg that "Nintendo has not approved these applications. Our legal team will investigate them from now."

What are your thoughts on mobile developers blatantly ripping off Nintendo?

Box art for Super Mario Bros.





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Here is the website from that iPhone picture:

It looks like the picture shown in the Bloomberg article, that looks like Super Mario Galaxy 2, is gone.
But there is still this image:

Image for

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