Level-5 Ask Western Fans About Youkai Watch Localisation

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2014 1

Level-5 Ask Western Fans About Youkai Watch Localisation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 has started to quiz fans to see if there's enough interest for a localised version of new 3DS IP, Youkai Watch.

Following on from a US trademark for "Yo-Kai Watch" last month, the publisher popped the question on Twitter earlier today, asking whether fans would like to see the game released in US and  Europe. Given the trademark registration, it's more than likely that the series will eventually make its Western debut at some-point.


Yo-Kai Watch, which includes manga and a TV animé adaptation, features a young chap with a watch that allows him to see all sorts of cheeky and rather menacing spirits.

Do you wish to see the game and animé localised for your region?

Box art for Yo-kai Watch





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Coincides with 500,000 copies of the game being shipped to retailers in Japan. The effect of the anime kicking off has boosted sales a lot!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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