Nintendo Launches Girls Club on YouTube with Jorgie Porter

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.02.2014 9

Nintendo Launches Girls Club on YouTube with Jorgie Porter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo UK have launched a brand new channel on YouTube with girls and video games in mind.

Hosted by Hollyoaks and Dancing on Ice star Jorgie Porter, the channel will focus on popular Nintendo games as chosen by the female gamers - from Animal Crossing: New Leaf to Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, with hands-on sessions of popular games, unboxing and the latest TV adverts.



Will you join the Nintendo Girls Club - what sort of content would you like to see?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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LOL! Well if Anita Sarkeesian didn't think that games companies were sexist towards women then she might have to think twice.

What a stupid belittling way to advertise towards women! 

EDIT: We don't live in the 90's anymore! #GirlPower

( Edited 17.02.2014 23:38 by Flynnie )

The best part is where Mario sneaks out from a curtain LOL - GIF needed

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I want to join the club, but it's girls only! Smilie

Grrr! Discrimination!

Image for

( Edited 18.02.2014 00:12 by Marzy )

darkflame (guest) 18.02.2014#4

Its as bad as Lego's girl line :-/

People are people, forget genders.

Here's a GIF:

Image for
Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Anything that gets girls playing more Nintendo is fine by me, my ex only ever played COD on the 360, annoying as hell because everytime she would go on it all the comments were "zomg a girl are you fit let me add you on facebook show me your .. " and obviously being a girl on COD she lapped it up everytime.
      Atleast if she played Nintendo you'd know it was to enjoy the games, I got her into MK7 in the end though, more girls should play Nintendo games they're awesome

darkflame (guest) 18.02.2014#7

Im_Neutral said:
Anything that gets girls playing more Nintendo is fine by me, my ex only ever played COD on the 360, annoying as hell because everytime she would go on it all the comments were "zomg a girl are you fit let me add you on facebook show me your .. " and obviously being a girl on COD she lapped it up everytime.

Isn't that the point though? That there isn't special "girl" games - girls can and do play CoD or whatever.
The other gamers can be aseholes, but I am not specially marketing x y or z to girls is the way forward.

It reminds e of this:

( Edited 19.02.2014 03:07 by Cheesing it up )

To be  honest they could use Jorgie Porter to launch a boys club as well, i'm certain she'd 'entice' the boys too Smilie

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