Mad Men Football To Touchdown on Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2014

Mad Men Football To Touchdown on Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

AE games has announced a new American Football game with a historical twist for Nintendo Wii U.

Developed with Nintendo's home console in mind, Mad Men Football takes "historical figures and groups from battlefields, and putting them on football fields", according to the developer. The likes of George Washington and other faces from the past will trade in their swords, cannons and rifles for touchdowns and ball passing in the upcoming game.

Image for Mad Men Football To Touchdown on Wii U eShop

The studio noted how, for the moment, the project will be self-funded, with an eShop release planned at some-point this year. There aren't any screenshots for the moment, nor trailer, but prototype images are expected in the coming weeks.

What are your thoughts on blending historical figures with contemporary football?

Box art for Mad Men Football








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European release date TBA   North America release date 2015   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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