Nintendo Goes Free to Play with Rusty's Real Deal Baseball

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2014 2

Nintendo Goes Free to Play with Rusty

Nintendo's free-to-play game, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, will be heading to 3DS this April.

Confirmed during Nintendo Direct this week, the shop-management sim will be one of the first from Nintendo to involve transactions as part of the game's design. The game, already released in Japan, involves interacting with a dog shop owner in the game, in order to haggle for discounts in reality.

Image for Nintendo Goes Free to Play with Rusty

Company boss Satoru Iwata confirmed that players will be able to purchase mini games off Rusty in exchange for doing a number favours for him - the happier he is, the better the real-life discount will be for players, with the maximum cost tallying in at $4 per game.

There'll be all sorts of Baseball-related mini-games to unlock including the standard batting and catching sequences.


What are your thoughts on the free-to-play concept - will you help Rusty out?

Box art for Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
Also known as

Darumeshi Sports Shop









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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I'm surprised this is coming out in Europe. Baseball is big in North America and Japan, but not (to my knowledge) in Europe, especially the UK.

Sonic_13 said:
I'm surprised this is coming out in Europe. Baseball is big in North America and Japan, but not (to my knowledge) in Europe, especially the UK.
It wasn't announced for Europe. It could come in the future, but I doubt it. They do seem to be focusing on the sports that are popular per region, e.g. this game for NA; Pocket Football Club for EU.

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