Nintendo to Include GBA Games on Wii U Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.02.2014 10

Nintendo to Include GBA Games on Wii U Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Nintendo Direct today, the company confirmed a range of Game Boy Advance games for the Wii U VC.

Games like Metroid Fusion, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 will become available on the Wii U Virtual Console from April, the company highlighted during the broadcast. The inclusion of GBA titles falls in-line with plans to launch a selection of Nintendo DS games on the service as well.

With a vast selection of titles in Nintendo's Game Boy Advance catalogue, there's certainly a retro treat or two in store for fans and newcomers this year.

Which Game Boy Advance games would you want to play on the Wii U Virtual Console?

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Really wish there was a complete linked account system now as I already have Fusion on my 3ds.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

This is poor, Nintendo could at least service the 3DS shop with the ambassador games. I mean i already have them, but surely they could just put them on the eShop anyway! Of which Metroid Fusion and Yoshi's Island are already done. 

I don't understand what the hold up is? Why not just release a large library of games now for both 3DS/Wii U and watch the money roll in? 

Fortunately i still own my Gamecube and GameBoy player and a tonne of GBA games so i already have this functionality Smilie 

My top GBA games though would be something along the lines of;

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Super Street Fighter 2
Golden Sun
Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion
Super Mario Bros 3
Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red

The GBA did have some great games, but in retrospect, it is nothing compared to the 3DS. Especially as most of the GBA's best games were NES/SNES remakes anyway!

My top GBA games though would be something along the lines of;Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Super Street Fighter 2
Golden Sun
Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion
Super Mario Bros 3
Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red

No Advance Wars?

Our member of the week

What about FInal Fantasy Tactics Advance ^^ ? And the 3 Castlevania games ^^ ? All 3 exclusive F-Zero Games (ok, that's only two for us westerners) ? Zelda Minish Cap ? All the Wario games ? Or sword of Mana ^^ ? There's more to the GBA than one would think, although it indeed was a remake factory for pretty much half of the worthwhile library.

Other personal favourites of mine include Gradius Advance and Konami Krazy Racers from Konami, as well as Iridion II from Shin'en, but those are perhaps not as widely renowned Smilie.

Glad someone DID think of mentioning the Boktai series though Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm glad M&L Superstar Saga is coming out for the VC, it's the only Mario & Luigi game I haven't played. (Excluding Dream Team Bros. which is in my collection and I plan on playing through it in the near future.)

Still baffles me as to why they would release GBA on the Wii U VC. I think GBA should be available on both the 3DS and Wii U VC, with cross-purchasing. Would've liked for Nintendo to get GC and N64 games on the Wii U VC before GBA though...

Stone me! How could i forget about Advance Wars! But when it comes to turn based strategy i still prefer Fire Emblem.

RudyC3 said:
What about FInal Fantasy Tactics Advance ^^ ? And the 3 Castlevania games ^^ ? All 3 exclusive F-Zero Games (ok, that's only two for us westerners) ? Zelda Minish Cap ? All the Wario games ? Or sword of Mana ^^ ? There's more to the GBA than one would think, although it indeed was a remake factory for pretty much half of the worthwhile library.

Other personal favourites of mine include Gradius Advance and Konami Krazy Racers from Konami, as well as Iridion II from Shin'en, but those are perhaps not as widely renowned Smilie.

Glad someone DID think of mentioning the Boktai series though Smilie !

I say this with a slight fear, but i am not really a fan of the Castlevania series (although i did try one on the GBA but didnt like it) , same with the Wario games Smilie

I don't like the 16bit Fzero games, while i keep asking for a new Fzero game i keep hoping for something more akin to the N64/GC version. Although i do have the SNES version on the VC and Maximum Velocity game on the GBA ambassador programme but havent really ever played it.

I never actually got around to finishing Minish Cap, although it is a good game! I'm really falling behind on the Zelda series, need to actually finish some games before buying any more!

There are still a tonne of games though, one thing i am worried about it Nintendo charging £7.99 for these games. If Nintendo dropped their prices to something more competitive akin to Apple's App store then it would be a lot more popular. I mean i got Sonic 1, 2, CD all for 69p each and furthermore they are superior versions than what is on the eShop!

Ok this makes no sense to me at all the game boy advance games should not be coming to the wii u but instead should be coming to the nintendo 3ds also their is not much of a point in bringing ds games to the wii u since all ds games work on the nintendo 3ds what should be coming to the wii u is nintendo gamecube games also nintendo needs to create their own cable service and call it nintendo cable and the wii u could be a cable box or a accesory could be made that attaches to the wii u and we could get nintendo cable that way and nintendo tvii needs to get a feature that enables us all to watch tv on the gamepad even with the tv turned off like what we have with netflix is anything i am saying making sense to anyone???

WarioWare Twisted!

It actually would be a pretty good one with the Game Pad.

I remember seeing videos of people playing that game with the Gamecube's Game Boy Player.

( Edited 15.02.2014 08:04 by Sonic_13 )

I'm really starting to get annoyed by their policy of releasing VC games. The sooner they unify the consoles the better, If I buy a VC game on my 3DS their is simply no reason I should have to buy it again on the Wii U or why I cant play it on the Wii U at all.

This pick and choose your systems makes no sense either! I feel pretty confident the 3DS could handle ALL VC games including GC titles, there's really no reason to be releasing different games for different consoles other than laziness.

One last thing, is there a reason Nintendo can't release all the titles at once, or atleast all NES titles, SNES titles?? It bewilders me, the money would be rolling in but instead their silly policy of releasing one game a week on different consoles is crippling the Virtual Console!

We're three years into the 3DS lifecycle, I fear we will never see GBA games bar the Ambassador ones released and it sucks because they're just being lazy and stupid.

It's because it takes 3 years for them to add Miiverse integration thats why!

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