3DS and PS3 Perform Well in Japan, Gundam and Diablo Lead

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.02.2014 2

3DS and PS3 Perform Well in Japan, Gundam and Diablo Lead on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest sales figures from Japan show strong support for PS3 releases this week, with 3DS remaining strong.

It was a shift in fortunes this week with the release of new games on 3DS platforms, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost and Diablo III on PS3, with Disgaea 4 Return on PS Vita.

The Nintendo 3DS still remained strong, however, with numerous entries within the top twenty - Kirby Triple Deluxe, Yo-kai Watch, Pokémon X / Pokémon Y and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, amongst others performing well at retail.

As for hardware, 3DS remains a firm-favourite, eclipsing other formats, with Wii U sinking down to just over 8,000 units sold for the week.

Software Sales: Jan 27 - Feb 02

01,/00.  (PS3) Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost - 269,940 / NEW
02,/00. (PS3) Diablo III - 41,727 / NEW
03,/02, (3DS) Kirby Triple Deluxe - 39,166 / 392,457
04,/00. (PSV) Disgaea 4 Return - 33,749 / NEW
05,/01, (PS3) Sengoku Basara 4 - 30.202 / 206,515
06,/07, (3DS) Yo-kai Watch - 27,670 / 373,199
07,/03, (3DS) Puzzle & Dragons Z - 26,125 / 1,326,903
08,/00. (3DS) Toushin Toshi - 23,036 / NEW
09,/00. (PSV) Amagami - 20.519 / NEW
10./09, (3DS) Pokémon X / Pokémon Y - 14,950 / 3,925,609

Hardware Sales: Jan 27 - Feb 02

1, 3DS - 37,462 (38,229)
2, PS Vita -  22,246 (23,290)
3, PS3 - 14,100 (13,360)
4, Wii U -  8,072 (8,490)
5, PSP - 3,366 (3,428)
6, 360 - 260 (260)

Can the Wii U increase momentum in Japan in the coming months?

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Yes, I believe they can. If it's one thing that Nintendo fans love it's Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. They'll go up for a while and then maybe back into a slump again until the next big game which of course is Zelda and hopefully X. 

darkflame (guest) 06.02.2014#2

360/Ps4 not out over there?

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