Mario Meets McDonalds UK in Happy Meal Crossover

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2014 8

Mario Meets McDonalds UK in Happy Meal Crossover on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Where does Mario stop off to eat? Well, one place might be McDonalds as the plumber will be tucking into Happy Meals soon.

The UK branch will launching Mario-themed meals shortly, presumably with figures or other Mushroom Kingdom memorabilia. How about Goomba-flavoured nuggets or a Bowser Burger cooked to perfection? Would certainly give ol' Ronald a run for his money.

The campaign is expected to launch shortly, according to the official McDonalds UK site.

Will you grab a Happy Meal or two for the latest Mario merch?

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"Nintendo are encouraging our kids to be fat!"

Lol, i can't wait to get some stuff! No shame in getting Happy Meals for Mario toys are there....?

Flynnie said:
"Nintendo are encouraging our kids to be fat!"

Lol, i can't wait to get some stuff! No shame in getting Happy Meals for Mario toys are there....?

Nah, just order 3 for a regular McNugget fix. Plus milkshake. Chocolate, milkshake.

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This was in sweden but im not sure how recent the image is but im guessing these will be what's coming

We've already had them in the Netherlands and i wanted to buy the seperatly without the happy meal. Within two weeks everything was sold out. I even doubt they had all the figures because i asked about it reguraly but the just had a few.

kimmetjuh said:
We've already had them in the Netherlands and i wanted to buy the seperatly without the happy meal. Within two weeks everything was sold out. I even doubt they had all the figures because i asked about it reguraly but the just had a few.
We had that here? Woops, silly me.
My brother lives in Taiwan and they have them at the moment. Penguin Mario must be mine!

Ohhh FFS! If thats the case then i will be making more than a few trips to McDonalds...and i hate their food grrr!

I quite like the DK figurine! 

Is it sad to go MaccyD's after 2 years just to get some Mario toys...!!! 

Ahhh f*** it... why not!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Yeah, I bet there'll be a massive WiiU on the side of the packaging, just subtle hints...

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