Minor Change for Reading Posts on Wii U Miiverse

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2014 3

Minor Change for Reading Posts on Wii U Miiverse on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has added a minor update to Miiverse for Wii U this week, to match the 3DS version.

The upgrade tweaks the user interface to enable quicker access to certain aspects of the service whilst reading. According to Nintendo's Miiverse buff Marty, the changes affect just Wii U access, "bringing it in line with the Nintendo 3DS version."

1) The button for reloading is no longer the L Button. From now on, use the Y Button to reload the current page.

2) We've added a new feature. When a community is open, you can use the L/R Buttons to quickly move up and down between posts.

Are you using Miiverse on Wii U, 3DS or both systems?

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I regularly use Miiverse on my Wii U, 3DS, PC, and mobile devices.

Our member of the week

Miiverse is mostly on PC for me, but there's something really REALLY annoying about it, which is that even when you check your Miiverse notifications on PC, if they're marked as "read" in your PC web browser, on the consoles it'll still be flagged as unread, and it's really frustrating.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Miiverse is mostly on PC for me, but there's something really REALLY annoying about it, which is that even when you check your Miiverse notifications on PC, if they're marked as "read" in your PC web browser, on the consoles it'll still be flagged as unread, and it's really frustrating.
 100% agreed

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