SEGA Respond to Leaked Sonic Multiplatform Project

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2014 4

SEGA Respond to Leaked Sonic Multiplatform Project on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has responded to the recently leaked Sonic the Hedgehog project, claiming that the information is incorrect.

Spotted on a poster during a the Nuremberg Toy Fair was the inclusion of an unannounced new Sonic title, a multi-platform project, expected for 2015. Speaking to Eurogamer this week, SEGA noted how the "the recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect" and that it had "yet to announce details" on any forthcoming projects, both TV and gaming.

SEGA and Nintendo currently have a three-game agreement, ensuring exclusivity for three Sonic titles - two of which have already hit the market.

What are you hoping to see from SEGA for the next Sonic the Hedgehog title?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




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Ceejay (guest) 05.02.2014#1

I figufigured as mumuch, ifif anything the next game will be a WiWii U exclexclusive!

What's leaked about it? Its a loop and rings. Its every other sonic game that has ever existed.

Gamercandle said:
What's leaked about it? Its a loop and rings. Its every other sonic game that has ever existed.
The picture in this article is from an existing Sonic game. The leak refers to the picture in this article:

Oh, I see... the 2015 part.. thanks for that clarification.

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