The 90s Arcade Racer Shaping up on Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2014 3

The 90s Arcade Racer Shaping up on Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Nicalis has lifted the lid on the progress of the Wii U version of '90s Arcade Racer.

The bold and bright racing game, as the name suggests, takes a leaf out of the big book of rally racing gems released in the early to late nineties, and aims to bring back that much missed arcade feel to the living room.

Creators Antonis and Tyrone confirmed that, despite some aspects of the PC version not portable to the Wii U edition, the team are "very happy with the results." At the moment the Wii U is "proving very capable of running the game at 60fps at 720p with 4xMSAA and FXAA resulting in a crystal clear image. It's simply beautiful."

As for the main game itself, the "goal is to be able to race against 30 cars in each race", with a mid-2014 goal at the moment for the game's release.

Finally, a teaser photo of '90s Arcade Racer running on Wii U:

Image for The 90s Arcade Racer Shaping up on Nintendo Wii U

Would you step into the driver's seat with '90s Arcade Racer on Wii U?

Box art for The 90s Arcade Racer








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Our member of the week

I love the Daytona USA vibe of this Smilie !! Back when Sega still did some incredibly fun arcade games Smilie !! It should have music as great as that of Daytona USA as well in my opinion Smilie. That's something that should not be overlooked. And great gameplay of course, but seeing as they're bringing this subject back in every bit of news they give on the game's development, i don't worry too much about that aspect of things.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Guest 05.02.2014#2

as much as I hate nicalis this game would be a good replacement to the lack of daytona usa HD on wii u's eshop because sega hates the wii u eshop for no reason & gives the classic sega genesis games to 3ds eshop instead. Smilie insert castle of illusion HD (A DISNEY GAME) skipping wii u when the crappy sequal was on 3ds here

( Edited 05.02.2014 18:43 by Brando67854321 )


( Edited 05.02.2014 18:34 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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