Capcom Keen to Localise Monster Hunter Frontier G

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2014 4

Capcom Keen to Localise Monster Hunter Frontier G  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's Yoshinori Ono has expressed interest in releasing Monster Hunter Frontier G outside Japan at some-point.

In a translated developer interview with Ono on the Capcom website he was quizzed on whether the company have intentions to bring the Frontier G experience to adventurers waiting outside home turf.

"We do", he said, confirming that the number of new platforms added to the Monster Hunter Frontier G roster is a sign that "we have our sights set on distributing services for this game in the future outside Japan." That said, it wouldn't be a simple localisation task as Capcom would need to "adapt all the necessary services to the unique characteristics of each region."

Would you leap onto the Monster Hunter Frontier G experience when released outside Japan? If so, on which platform?

Box art for Monster Hunter Frontier G








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Please no, keep this crappy, outdated version of MH and focus all your efforts on the real MH games instead. The last thing I want is Capcom to waste precious resources on this, it flops and endangers the future of the series in the west.

MMORPG + monthly fee + outdated mechanics compared to MH3/MH4 + far more insane grind than the regular games = Instant turn-off.

kingdom (guest) 04.02.2014#2


but on the other hand. monster hunter 3 ultimate was arguablly the best selling wii u title by a third party, i would much much much rather have MH4UHD buuuuuut i unno.... maybe a slow crawling game like this could keep afew more wii u owners hanging in there until more desirable titles come along, i mean the games already made it just needs localisation.

( Edited 04.02.2014 17:48 by welshwuff )

Guest 05.02.2014#4

I don't care either way because monster hunter is getting milked anyway. Smilie

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