Rare NES Title Nintendo World Championships Goes on Auction

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2014 7

Rare NES Title Nintendo World Championships Goes on Auction on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A limited edition collectable NES cartridge has started to do the rounds on eBay, and is expected to reel in an incredible amount of dollar bills.

Only 116 copies of Nintendo World Championships were ever produced for an event over two decades ago in 1990, and now one of the cartridges has surfaced on eBay. The cartridge itself is heavily damaged, with its sticker torn off and pen markings scribbled along the front, but has almost raised $100,000 with over 200 bids at time of writing.

Image for Rare NES Title Nintendo World Championships Goes on Auction

It's not the first time Nintendo World Championships has emerged on auction houses, with a 2011 bid making $11,000 for charity.

Do you think such a game is worth the asking price?

Box art for Nintendo World Championships 1990








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I saw this at $14k yesterday. Mental!

Its at $94k! Thats even more mental!!

Just shows how valuable gaming is to us today. Jut think in anothr 20 years a WiiU game may be this valuable....Maybe...

I think not.

( Edited 25.01.2014 19:18 by georg3 )

georg3 said:
Just shows how valuable gaming is to us today. Jut think in anothr 20 years a WiiU game may be this valuable....Maybe...

I think not.

I have a copy of Super Mario 3D Land that Miyamoto used as a doorstop for his bathroom. It'll be worth... A LOT.


Crazy, crazy people with too much money to burn. Though with this uptake the resale value could pretty decent in three or four years even. But why?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah...I competed in this in 1991.


I wonder if the seller even thought it would ever get this high!

Georg3 (guest) 26.01.2014#7

It's stupid how people will want to pay 100K for a broken cartridge, yes it is rare but I wouldn't pay 100K unless it was in mint condition. It most likely doesn't work. For that reason the next time you sell it it may only get five dollars!

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