Rumour: Could Palutena from Kid Icarus Take on Smash Bros?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.01.2014 9

Rumour: Could Palutena from Kid Icarus Take on Smash Bros? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RUMOUR: New Smash Bros images have started to circulate today highlighting the inclusion of Palutena as a possible playable or assist character.

Unconfirmed images, taken off a Nintendo 3DS XL screen, have started to do the rounds, with Mario and Palutena on what appears to be a new stage. Fans have dug up as much as possible on the leak, noting how both the Mario and Palutena models aren't from previous screens, nor from Kid Icarus: Uprising.

It could be fake image that's gone a little too far in an attempt to be authentic, or a rogue developer leaking some new information ahead of time.

Image for Rumour: Could Palutena from Kid Icarus Take on Smash Bros?
Image for Rumour: Could Palutena from Kid Icarus Take on Smash Bros?

What are your thoughts - real or fake, and would you want a playable Palutena in the next Super Smash Bros titles?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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I really, really hope it's real. I thought Palutena was so cool in Kid Icarus: Uprising. She also added a lot of humor to the game.

( Edited 22.01.2014 16:14 by Caleb Garson Heater )

no, she cannto be on the game. she will mess with pits final smash

plus you cant just add anybody to ssb4. i mean sure they added game and watch guy, but i mean on the updates they havent even released yoshi yet, but their ready to add a new charecter that will destroy the dynamics of pits final smash. not in my favorite nintendo game, made by my favorite person who createc kirby

Would be cool! But woah, that's a lot of new female fighters. I hope we'll get Isaac from Golden Sun and pleaaaaaaase Ridley from Metroid.

super ed said:
no, she cannto be on the game. she will mess with pits final smash

I think it can still happen without her - just have him summon someone else!

I really hope it's real too - the game needs more female fighters, plus hopefully she's a combat/close-range fighter and not projectiles.

Canyarion said:
Would be cool! But woah, that's a lot of new female fighters. I hope we'll get Isaac from Golden Sun and pleaaaaaaase Ridley from Metroid.

Isaac - YES PLEASE - Wasted opportunity in Brawl.

Ridley - hmm, could he/it work?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Lots of potential for Ridley. The Melee intro video already showed a Ridley that was just slightly bigger than Samus, so they know they can scale him down.
For attacks there's enough in the Metroid games for inspiration. Pogo-tail, beams/bolts shooting from his mouth.... If they removed the PKMN trainer, they could recycle some of Charizard's moves.

Something that I've noticed on the second screen, Palutena has the Power Star emblem from Mario on her golden chains. That's something that makes me think this is real, that and the model looks a bit different from her uprising and brawl appearance.

I'm still skeptical though as some people are talented with photoshop but we'll have to see. I'd definitely want her playable in the game though as she'd be a unique and interesting character to play as.

( Edited 22.01.2014 23:40 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Is it just me or would this be one of the naughtiest outfits of the game? Look at the high split of her dress and her stockings underneath that. First picture.

Canyarion said:
Is it just me or would this be one of the naughtiest outfits of the game? Look at the high split of her dress and her stockings underneath that. First picture.

:O What a slut!

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