Wii U Premium Bundle Now £179.99 in the UK

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.01.2014 4

Wii U Premium Bundle Now £179.99 in the UK on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Retail sleuths have spotted price cuts in place by various key stores in the UK including Amazon and Argos.

The premium edition, which includes 32GB storage and is available in black, is now selling for £179.99 in Argos, £229.99 in dedicated retailer GAME and also sitting comfortably at £179.99 on Amazon as well.

It's likely that the sudden price drop comes after news of Nintendo's expected losses on the Wii U hardware, with retailers primed to place the console at a more affordable price-point.

The lower price for the Wii U premium bundle means that it's only just shy of £30 cheaper than a basic Nintendo 3DS XL console.

What do you think of the new, lower Wii U price-point?

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Well it's pretty much dead in the UK at the moment so I guess retailers are desperate to shift stock. As nice as it is for newcomers, this is dire for Nintendo. Smilie

What happened to the Tesco partnership? Anything come from that?

( Edited 21.01.2014 21:26 by Ifrit XXII )

Holy shit! That's a riduculous price! Considering i paid £359 for mine on launch (albeit it came with COD and Gamepad accessories pack) 

Those who haven't got one then now is definitely the opportune time to get one! Mario Kart not too far off and there are definitely enough games to tide you over before the next wave of games (SM3DW, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Nintendo Land, Rayman Legends) 

Get involved now!

Come on, £150, you can do it!

Damn, and I thought I got my Premium pack cheap at £259! I should have waited - I still haven't bothered getting any games besides Nintendo Land!

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